EGYPT- Mr. Ambassador, I am outraged by the actions of the Egyptian government in permitting and supporting the massacre conducted in Gaza by the Israeli army.
It was reported in the Haeretz newspaper(1) that prior to this massacre the Foreign Affairs Minister and the designated Acting Prime Minister of Israel Tzipi Livni came to Cairo to inform President Hosni Mubarak that it had decided to attack Gaza.
Why has the Egyptian government colluded with the Israeli government in this massacre?
It was reported in the Gulf News(2) that the Egyptian government closed the Rafah crossing into the Gaza strip as the Israel air strikes were being conducted.
Why has the Egyptian government exacerbated and prolonged the pain and suffering for the Muslims in Gaza?
Egypt alone has 450 000 regular troops to Israel's 180000(3), and comparable levels of tanks and aircrafts.
Why has the Egyptian government done nothing to defend the people of Gaza?
What is the purpose of the billions of dollars that the Egyptian government is spending of the Ummah's wealth on purchasing military equipment when it is not prepared to use them? Is it just to support the American war industry?
The Egyptian government must use their military to intervene against the massacre being committed against the helpless people of Gaza. If it is too cowardly to stand up to Israel then it should step aside and allow a sincere Islamic leadership to establish the Khilafah in Egypt and protect the Muslims of Gaza.
Yours faithfully
Majed Iqbal
SYRIA- Mr. Ambassador, I am outraged by the actions of the Syrian government in permitting and supporting the massacre conducted in Gaza by the Israeli army.
It was reported in the Middle East Times on 23rd December 2008 that there was to be a secret meeting Between Ehud Olmert and a Syrian official in Ankara. The source reported “senior Israeli sources said Monday that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert will meet in Ankara, during his official visit to Turkey, with a secret Syrian envoy.” This meeting was one of a number of secret meetings held by Israeli officials prior to the latest onslaught.
The newspaper also reported that President Bashar Assad said his country may begin direct peace negotiations with Israel based on U.N. Security Council resolutions, adding that it was "natural" to resort to direct talks "because we cannot achieve peace just through indirect negotiations."(1)
Why has the Syrian government colluded with the Israeli government in this massacre?
It was also reported that Syria as president of the Arab League has called on Arab leaders to hold an emergency summit to assess the dangerous situation in Gaza.(2)
What has the Arab league actually managed to achieve, over many years, regarding the Israeli occupation and does the Syrian government consider this a proportional response to the killing of hundreds and wounding of thousands of Muslims in Gaza?
We are aware that Syria has the potential to be a serious military threat to Israel and that over the past three years, Syria has spent more than $3 billion on weapons(3)
What is the purpose of the billions of dollars that the Syrian government is spending of the Ummah's wealth on purchasing military equipment when it is not prepared to use them?
The Syrian government must use their military to intervene against the massacre being committed against the helpless people of Gaza. If it is too cowardly to stand up to Israel then it should step aside and allow a sincere Islamic leadership to establish the Khilafah in Syria and protect the Muslims of Gaza.
Yours faithfully
Majed Iqbal
IRAN- Mr. Ambassador,
I am outraged by the actions of the Iranian government in permitting the massacre conducted in Gaza by the Israeli army.
It was reported in the CNS News on 30th December 2008 that the Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has issued a religious decree instructing Muslims everywhere to support "in any way possible" the Palestinians in Gaza; It was also reported that President Mahmoud Admadinejad is busily contacting foreign capitals and international organizations; and cabinet ministers have joined mass protest demonstrations.
Does the Iranian government consider this a proportionate response to the massacre of over three hundred and the wounding of thousands of Muslims in the streets of Gaza, the bombing of the University and the bombing of mosques?
It Muslims around the world have already shown their preparedness to respond to this massacre but the governments of the Muslim world including the Iranian government have done nothing practical to defend the Muslims of Gaza except for calling for calling for discussions and conferences or trying to transfer their responsibilities to the masses.
We are aware that Iran has the potential to be a serious military threat to Israel. What is the purpose of the billions of dollars that the Iranian government is spending of the Ummah's wealth on purchasing military equipment when it is not prepared to use them?
The Iranian government has commented extensively in the past about the atrocities of the Zionist regime. The Iranian government must release its army to defend the Muslims of Gaza or Muslims worldwide will conclude that the Iranian government's words are empty rhetoric and that it is just playing politics with the issue of the holy land of Palestine.
We impress upon you that the Iranian government must use their military to intervene against the massacre being committed against the helpless people of Gaza. If it is too cowardly to stand up to Israel then it should step aside and allow a sincere Islamic leadership to establish the Khilafah in Iran and protect the Muslims of Gaza.
Yours faithfully
Majed Iqbal
I definitely support your action here and commend you for making the effort to contact the embassies but at the same time, as stated in my previous post, strongly feel that contact has to also be made with the UK Govt and local MP's via letters and petitions.