A charismatic speaker who has a way with words, it is easy to see why so many are drawn to the new President of the Untied States. Add on top of that the fact that he is the first Black President then it is little wonder the world is in such awe of Obama.
It is however, imperative that Muslims across the globe look at Obama in the cold light of day and not with rose tinted glasses. Despite the fact that he has promised to close Guantanamo Bay (which was due for closure anyway) his attitude towards the Muslim world is little different to that of the Bush administration. It must not be forgotten he pledged to follow the Taliban into Pakistan and has pledged 100% backing for the state of Israel, both financially and politically.
Many of these issues require a more detailed discussion; however, one thing the Muslims who are dumfounded by Obamamania can learn from the man himself is the idea of self reliance. The core message of this campaign was for average Americans to help themselves and thus help America.
With many commentators speaking of a parallel with what Obama stands for and the famous quote from John F Kennedys' inaugural address on 20th January 1961:
"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. "
So for those who really want to be inspired by Obama, what does this mean to the average Muslim to those who have watched the murder in Gaza? Those who for ever and a day turn to the US and UN for help and support? The message is clear, it is one of helping yourself, so for Muslims if we wish to help ourselves then it is high time we stopped putting all our hope in Obama or the US and start on the road to recovery. Just like a drug addict the first step to recovery is admitting there is a problem.
The Muslim Ummah must be clear, the problem is within and that the change must start in the Muslim world, a change that means that the Muslim rulers who sat back and watched the killing in Gaza can no longer claim to represent the Muslims. Muslims have a history of great leadership that far outweighs anything the likes of Obama can bring to the world, with leaders such as Salaudin and Haroon Al-Rashid. The inspiration for change should come from the history of Islam.
The path to change is not an easy one but change there must be as we can longer rely on others to solve our own problems. Gaza should be the catalyst for a different thinking starting with having a single minded vision for a better world, not based on the principles of American policy but that of Islam. A vision which goes beyond the boycotting, lobbying and begging at the UN, a vision that means our rulers can no longer sit back and watch the murder of their own and we remain silent.
Woah hang on a minute.
ReplyDeleteMuslims across the World are not helping themselves, given that many support Hamas, a terrorist organisation who's main objective is to "obliterate" Israel.
I remain liberal, and hopeful that the West and Islam can coexist peacefully, but both the West and Islam are expansive, they're hypocritical, and they certainly aren't peaceful.
Obama is smart on so many levels for ordering the closure of Guantanamo. It has been a long time coming
ReplyDeletePersonally I think we should wait and see what Obama actually does. Lets hang on before we make any kind of judgement on the new president, positive or negative.
ReplyDeleteAfter the countless death of innocent women and children today in Afghanistan, I think every person can make a clear judgement on Obama now.
ReplyDeleteIt was indiscrimate murder, a criminal act ordered by a criminal, following the example of every Amercian president in its history. Never has there been a leader of America who has not had blood on his hands.
The only difference is the change of skin colour.