A charismatic speaker who has a way with words, it is easy to see why so many are drawn to the new President of the Untied States. Add on top of that the fact that he is the first Black President then it is little wonder the world is in such awe of Obama.
It is however, imperative that Muslims across the globe look at Obama in the cold light of day and not with rose tinted glasses. Despite the fact that he has promised to close Guantanamo Bay (which was due for closure anyway) his attitude towards the Muslim world is little different to that of the Bush administration. It must not be forgotten he pledged to follow the Taliban into Pakistan and has pledged 100% backing for the state of Israel, both financially and politically.
Many of these issues require a more detailed discussion; however, one thing the Muslims who are dumfounded by Obamamania can learn from the man himself is the idea of self reliance. The core message of this campaign was for average Americans to help themselves and thus help America.