Tuesday, 18 March 2008

My battle with Cancer- Living with the spirit of Passion

By Yasmeen Ahmed- On Thursday 28th February I was given some news that is likely to drastically change my life for a considerable amount of time...I was diagnosed with breast cancer (Alhamdullilah).

I was due to go into theatre on Friday 7th March to undergo a masectomy, and after a recovery period I would have had 6 months of chemotheraphy.

Instead of my pre-op appointment on Monday 2nd March I had to have a meeting with my consultant as the team of medical staff had met and looked at my case; I was informed that I have an aggressive form of cancer which meant a slight change of plan.

My initial treatment of 6 months of of chemotheraphy started on the 12th of March, it is to be followed by a masectomy which I have been told will "most likely" be followed by another 6 months of chemotheraphy and some radiotheraphy; basically I've been told they intend to try everything on me, with it being an agressive cancer it has to be treated more aggressively.

Alhamudllilah for my test, it truly is a blessing. The Prophet (saaw) said "No fatigue, disease, sorrow, sadness, hurt or distress befalls a Muslim, even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn, but that Allah expiates some of his sins for that." (Bukhari)

Now, you're probably wondering why I've decided to write something so personal on such a public platform? Well, it's true that at a time like this it's important to get as many people as possible to make dua, and I request for you to make dua for both me and my family during our test....but that isn't my reason for writing.

Being in the position I'm faced with has caused me to really reflect on my life and inturn I want to encourage you to reflect on your lives. I want you to take stock of how you spend your days...... and your nights. I want you to think about all the responsibilities that Allah swt has placed upon our shoulders as Muslims/Muslimahs.

I want you to consider carefully the role we all have to play towards the suffering of, and injustice towards the Ummah. Are we exerting our efforts in the propogation of Islam at a time when Islam and the Muslim community are under constant scrutiny and attack? At a time when simply trying to uphold our Deen we are so easily labelled as extremists and terrorists and locked away without trial; At a time when Internationally, Muslim blood appears to be like a cheap commodity.

Are we countering this onslaught with wise words and actions; or are we allowing ourselves to become silenced or even become apologists?

And I want you to evaluate, and question, are your actions based on your own whims and desires/to please your parents/ friends/community/even Mr.Brown; or are they based simply on gaining the pleasure of Allah swt?

This is my second article on the blog, but InshaAllah I intend (health permitting) to continue to write for the blog.....don't worry it won't be a weekly diary of how things are going with my cancer; there are bigger things to be discussing.

I have been diagnosed with an illness, illness doesn't equal death. Some people (bless 'em) have come out with comments like "she used to be such a good friend/she was such a lovely person", hey, steady now your making me feel like I'm one of those dead people on the film the Sixth Sense that the little boy could see! Hello! I'm still here!!

My circumstances may have changed a little, but my accountability and responsibility hasn't; granted I may be a bit restricted/there maybe a change in the way I'm able to do things, but I'm going to try my utmost to get on with life as best as I can, trying to fulfill all my responsibilities.....InshaAllah : )

Our beloved prophet (saaw) said "Value five things before five, your youth before old age, health before sickness, wealth before poverty, leisure before preoccupaion, and life before death." (Tirmidi). Subhan'Allah, what wisdom there is in these few words!


  1. Salams
    Admire your strength, motivation and courage. you will always be in our duas.

  2. Firstly may Allah (swt) guide you and your family this difficult time and inshallah give you strength to fight this illness. You are in my duas.
    Secondly- thank you for sharing your personal experience of breast cancer on a public platform. Cancer like all illnesses affects all most of us directly or indirectly but is difficult to talk about. I too am going through this difficult time and reading your article has made me realise and value what I have.
    Keep up the positive attitude and allah (swt) will give you the courage and motivation. Ameen

  3. May Allah keep you amongst the sisters that are close to your heart.
    No illness is but from Allah and cure is also from Allah. Insh'allah your strength, your emaan and your positive thinking will inspire many others who have been touched by the many illnessess and diseases our bodies must endure.

    You are closer to your creater; you are loved by your family and friends and your story is heartfelt - may Allah give you the strength to cope and keep you going and writing as you do.
    Luv & duas

  4. Salaam,

    Spoken/written in the true words of a muslimah who when trouble befalls her, turns to her rabb for strength and is content with whatever test he swt chooses to test us with.

    Alhamdulillah for the true deen of Islam, and worship of the one Lord, for without this we would be lost wandering helplessly in this desert of the unknown.

    The burden of restoring Allah's deen is on the shoulders of all Muslims, We are all accounted for what we do and don't do.

    It's almost like the shahadah banner, it is in the hands of one, when he/she tyres, it is passed to the next and so on, alhamdulillah the dawah still has to continue, as Islam needs to continue to spread, it depends on it's carriers ie us to do this.

    Let us all seek strength in each other, pick each other up when we are down, wipe each others tears, even have a real coffee!! and continue to do what Allah swt has put us on the earth for - To worship him.....

  5. Salamualaikum Sister

    My family has recently been through a similar situation to yours, i pray allah (swt) gives you the strength and patience to deal with this test and trial from our creator. The hadith you gave is an excellent reminder, and also the ayat from the quran where our creator tells us that we will be tested. Allah (swt) is testing you now, this is a test for your family too, i pray they remain strong and steadfast, as from my experience the only thing which will help you all is the deen, duas, and support from muslims, inshallah.

    You and your family are in my duas inshallah, and i hope you continue in your good deeds and the example of Ayub (as) inspires you, inshallah.

    walaikumasalam my dear sister in Islam

  6. asalamualaykum wr wb,
    I just wanted to thank everyone for their support and dua's....its much appreciated.
    Br.Zahid -your words really rang true...jzk for your motivatinal words.
    Sr.Zets -the coffee's gone cold?!
    Dhado -may Allah swt give you the strength to continue to deal with it from where you are at.
    Ash -heartfelt dua's for you too, we just have to keep focused on our purpose in life regardless of the trials and tribulations that come along inshaAllah.
    Sr.S -jzk for your kind words.
    Alhamdullilah, the article has achieved what I wanted it to...apart from the comments that have been posted I have personally been approached by so many people who have read it, and it has moved everyone I have spoken to in a positive way - it has encouraged reflection of the responsibility we all have.

  7. As-salaamu-alaikum

    To sister Yasmeen

    Im not sure if this post will get to as i am unaware of the lag time involved. I do however have a few things to say irrespective of whether or not it gets posted. Firstly, may Allah reward you for your abr and guide you to always remain so strong and be an inspiration for many other muslims out there. Secondly, I have to say that I am personally going thru a trialing time and your post has just made my imaan so much stronger. So for that i would like to say thank you. You are not an only a strong women but one that has a direct impact on the lives of others. May Allah reward you abundantly for that Inshallah.

  8. Dont worry sis, cancer or no cancer, your comments show that you will be long here after all us have disappeared. ameen.

    May Allah shower his mercy on you and your family.ameen
