March 17th, the date set for the ruling on the epic divorce has been perfect in providing gossip material over an issue which has become part and parcel of celebrity lifestyles that we are bombarded with on a daily basis through cable, Sky, and jazzed up celeb mags.
Nobody seems to really care less at what is happening in the lives of celebs with their miss-fit marriages as long as it makes good reading and allows hardcore gossip addicts to feel that they are in the lead with what's "hot or not" in their circles giving them somewhat a false sense of leadership.
Heather, who is representing herself, is expected to repeat sensational allegations that Paul was abusive and violent after drink and drug binges and is believed to be demanding £50 million.
Ths stakes are high but Celebrity marriages leading to divorce such as these have not been thin on the ground entailing huge divorce settlement payouts.
Ted Danson & Casey Coates divorce settlement payouts came to $30 million, Actor Michael Douglas prior getting married to Catherine Zeta Jones Divorced Diandra Douglas reaching a settlement of $45 million, James Cameron & Linda Hamilton came to more than $50 million, Kevin Costner & Cindy Silva- $80 million, famous movie Director Steven Spielberg & Amy Irving -- $100 million, Saudi businessman Adnan & Soraya Khashoggi -- $874 million and one of the richest men in the world, Rupert Murdoch & Anna Murdoch currently hold the world record of the highest ever Divorce Settlement of $1.7 billion.
Marriages like these have been tarnished and ruined with the philosophies of life which view everything from the Pound and Dollar sign. Even a pure concept of love is measured through the prism of "what's in it for me"? In fact its blatantly obvious in what keeps Victoria Beckham going despite her husband's adulterous antics in Spain some years back!
Relationships, friendships, work, family time, leisure and even child rearing is evaluated through financial gain which sits as the only ideal to aspire towards in Capitalist societies. Love, spirituality, truth, common good, character, personality, uprightness, sincerity and many other key elements that form and play a pivotal role in human life are sidelined, shunned and mocked.
How else can stability be expected in marriages when the fundamental values that form these relationships are built on ideas which are subject to change and alteration and end up working against two people locked in wedlock?
Islam and Shariah, which is constantly maligned as being regressive and a usurper of women's rights, deals with the issue of marriage based upon ideals and principles which work to create harmony amongst couples. Many a time, the word "zawj" is used in the Qur'an to mean a pair or a mate describing marriage as a relationship where the sexes can provide company to one another, love to one another, have children and live in peace and tranquility.
Islam warned people of bonding on a sound basis when it came to choosing partners for marriage, clearly distinguishing what is best to strive for and what is not. The Prophet of Islam (s.a.w) said: "A woman may be married for four reasons: for her property, her status, her beauty, and her religion; so try to get one who is religious, may you be blessed."
Whilst the lifestyles led in Western Societies depart from religiosity, Islam connects its concepts of life to this world but also to a life after this life which requires striving for where marriage is seen as one of the gateways that aid the life of spouses in relation to their needs in this life while paving the way for succession in the next.
Abdullah ibn ‘Amr ibn al ‘As, may Allah be pleased with both of them, said that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "This world is passing enjoyment. One of the best kinds of provision it contains is a woman who helps her husband regarding the Next World".
Celebrity Marriages and marriages in general in western Societies are spiraling down a single lane with no-one trying to look back to the devastation, societal chaos and misery being caused in families.
Whilst Shariah may get continual bad press, mostly through ignorance and misinformation, the values it offers are surely worth being put up for reflection as well as opening a debate and discussion on how human life could be bettered with its ideals.
I do not neccessairly think that "no-one (is) trying to look back to the devastation." I agree that celebrity marriages and marriages in general all over the world, not just western socities, are increasing at a very fast rate. Divorce rates are at an all time high all over the place, but people are also more aware of the process and are seeking help more so now than ever. I work for www.fistwivesworld.com, it is an online community for women navigating through the various stages of divorce and life thereafter. Our members and experts are very aware of the negative aspects and effects of divorce and are taking many extensive steps to aid in working through this process as best as possible.
ReplyDeleteJust my two cents
Ann Marie
I want to take a different spin on things. Paul did not marry Heather because of her vanished wooden leg. He married her because she looked like his previous deceased wife Linda. And Heather did not marry Paul because he looked a million dollars but because he had more than a million dollars in his bank account.
ReplyDeleteBoth were benefit driven. Its a bit like what you hear on Jeremy Kyle except the ones on Jeremy Kyle live in Scally-ville, these celebrities are scallys living in Posh-ville. There is no real difference, this is a societal problem.
If there was no love or affection there in the first place it was bound to end in divorce and breakdown. I mean look at these footballers. Nobody can tell me that these WAGS which they marry are with them because of their Hollywood good looks. Its because they got loads of money to spend at will. I mean look at Rooney, he's not exactly eye candy is he??
Whats love got to do with it? Its about the money