Amid much planning, organising and Public discussion, the event titled "Dialogue, Debate and Discussion on Extremism, Islam and the Muslim Community" organised by Majeds Blog, a popular Rochdale based Blogger, has gone ahead, despite Paul Rowen MP, deciding not to attend the event.

Unfortunately, in true local Politics fashion, Paul Rowen has hid behind arguments to justify his decision for not attending.
His first excuse was aired whilst on a radio show on the Local Community radio station, Crescent Radio, when on being asked why he is attending an event alongside a member of the organisation Hizb ut-Tahrir he replied:
"I only found out on Friday (01/02/08) that Hizb ut-Tahrir were going to be on the panel that i had agreed to go to.............My position is clear. I am not willing to engage in Public discussion with Hizb ut-Tahrir..............I have been given false information for a second time now about who is going to be there at that particular meeting"
However, correspondence with panelists for this event began in November 2007, where it was agreed that such a debate would be beneficial to Rochdale and more importantly the Muslim Community who have not engaged on a public level on the Subject matter.
Simon Danczuk, the Labour parliamentary candidate for Rochdale as well as Ali Khan from Hizb -ut-Tahrir were immediately ready for the discussion.
Paul Rowen was contacted on 30th November 2007 in a letter which stated
"To initiate debate and discourse and to obtain a real sensation of the feeling of the community on these issues I am arranging a Panel Discussion event exploring the various serious questions related to Terrorism and Extremism which have targeted and singled out the Muslim community through one way or another.
The current confirmed panelists for this event are Simon Danczuk (Labour Parliamentary Candidate for Rochdale) and Ali Khan (Hizb ut-Tahrir). Your presence in such an event would aid widening the discussion and help explore the diverse range of issues currently being aired in your constituency."
Paul replied back to the letter commenting
"Thanks very much for your letter of 30 November 2007. I understand and appreciate some of the issues that have been raised in your letter.............Diary permitting. I will be very happy to attend a meeting to discuss some of these issues"
Hence, from the onset it has been clear who the oragniser of the event was as well as the confirmed panelists. However, the argument used on the Crescent radio Show changed in Paul's press Release where he stated
"I accepted the invitation in good faith in the normal way that I deal with such invitations. Since the event was publicised, I have received a number of complaints and I have reached the decision not to attend the debate.............it's clear that my presence will only give the organisation publicity..........it is clear their views and mine are incompatible. It is for those reasons I will not be attending".
Hence, from
"I only found out on Friday (01/02/08) that Hizb ut-Tahrir were going to be on the panel that i had agreed to go to"
Paul now makes it out in his press Release that he knew al the way along and resorts to attacking the organisation, Hizb ut-Tahrir under the pretext that
"it is clear their views and mine are incompatible"
Not only did Paul Rowen disagree to have Simon Danczuk on the panel, forcing me to withdraw Simon's panel position for this event; he also withdrew his position refusing to engage in any debate with the organization Hizb ut-Tahrir, in the entire process stifling discourse on the topic on a public level where his views maybe challenged.
These were similar tactics used earlier when Paul Rowen's agent, Dave Hennigan said in response to Simon Danczuk's presence on the Panel
"We will not take part in a debate with that man. He is not elected and should not be on the same panel."
Simon Danczuk responded
"I am disappointed and baffled by Dave Hennigan's comments. Is he suggesting that unless you are an elected politician you cannot take part in a public debate? His wish to exclude me from this process is very much at odds with the oft-quoted views of his boss on the importance of democracy"
Consequently, Paul Rowen's refusal to not attend the event has little to do with not receiving correct information but more to do with lack of insight into the topic at hand and debating the subject matter out with an organization that has played an active role in Rochdale to engage with the community and produced a dossier titled "Radicalisation, Extremism and Islamism- realities and Myths in the War on Terror" as well as debating the issue out with his opposition.
Slogans of engaging communities and advocation of community cohesion have fallen short for Paul Rowen who has hid behind excuses like those stated above. It is high time that he stopped playing politics with his constituency and have prepared answers for some real issues.
Notes for Press
For further information contact Majed Iqbal on
Phone: 07968 107409
Email: majediqbal@yahoo.com
Web: www.majedsblog.wordpress.com
Scanned copies of letter Correspondence with Paul Rowen is available (JPEG Format) as well as Paul Rowen's comments made on Crescent community Radio (MP3 format). Available on request to Press and community Leaders by contacting the above details.
I have to admit I was v disappointed at Paul Rowen's backout on the basis of it being Hizb-ut-Tahrir, especially as no attempt ahs been made to hide the fact that a member of that particular party would be on the panel. It's obvious people have 'had a word in his ear' and he has given in to that pressure. Where's your backbone man?! Hopefully Simon Danczuk will not do the same closer to the time.
ReplyDeleteAny report on the event itself that was on 09/02?
I attended the discussion - it's very important to have this discussion on a community level - Thanks to Majed's Blog for arranging it.
ReplyDeleteI's a shame our MP didn't attend to give his thoughts.
A good turnout by the community showed this is a real issues that needs addressing.
It was a shame that the discussion wasn't two sided would have made it more enjoyable. Unfortunately it seems that most people in positions of authority like to dictate rather than dialogue and it is this very thing that polarizes communities.
ReplyDeleteThe irony is that the democrat who champions freedom of thought refused to turn up and the very people he calls extremists (Hizb ut-Tahrir) were present to discuss.
I'm sure Paul will be outside a mosque near you come election time next year.
Does it really supprise anyone that politicians shy away from the real discussion under some guise, seams to me they are to affraid to have their views challenged in a public arena and Paul has shown he's no different.
ReplyDeleteWell it's a real shame and a missed opportunity by Paul to engage and dialogue, with the muslim issues from a community level. Such a well attended even Ruined by people who clearly can't read. Supprised Rochdales in the state it is.
Paul Rowen showed his true colours by not turning up to the event, and like every other MP he's just in it for his own benefit
ReplyDeleteFor him to not show up and give the transparent lame excuses that he did shows how fickle this man is and must think we are aswel. This was also an indirect insult to the whole muslim community of Rochdale.
Actually his non appearance did far more damage to the little credibility he may have had with a minority of muslims in the community, and Paul you have got no one else to blame but yourself.
Funnily enough he'll still probably have the audacity at election time to come into the community trying to gain our votes with his fake demeanour.
The true face of the politicians that represent us and their so called democracy!!!
ReplyDeleteI was appalled not just because the Mr Paul Rowen was absent, but even more upon hearing that he claimed he did not know the The panelists from Hizb- ut-tahrir, when his own correspondence letters say otherwise. How can we trust him again???