Rochdale online has refused to cover the story for the Question Time event. Since Monday, calls have been made twice a day asking for a chat with the News Editor, only to be fobbed off with the same answer "they'r not in". I left them with a message and my number each time on calling such that i could speak to someone- but to no avail.
On speaking to someone i was informed that Paul Rowens Office was instrumental in asking another newspaper not to run the story. This immeadiatley explained the sequence of events with Rochdale Online. I decided to write an email and sent the following:
Thanks for replying to the email i sent requesting you to cover the story for the Question Time Event on "Extremism, Islam and the Muslim Community". I was surprised to read your response which read
"Thank you for your email, however, we have on this occasion decided not to publish an article"
especially with a story of such significance which is directly related to community affairs. The mere fact that over 200 people even attended for a Question Time format event is in itself a success story highlighting grass-roots activism amongst the local community to discuss and air their thoughts publicly and gain LIVE responses back.
My blog, which is the organiser of this event has recieved over 800 visitors since the event many of whom have left positive comments on how they felt about the whole event.
However, just yesterday (12/02/2008), I have been informed and made aware that The Lib Dems office has discouraged the covering of the story for the event that took place to another newspaper- Has this been the same case with yourself?
I was deeply surprised to hear that a Politician at such a level will resort to silencing tactics which is reminiscent of the activities of officials from the communist bloc in the past as well as the actions of dictators we find across the world today, whom we all deplore.
I hope the same has not happened to you. On hearing about the attempted silencing, many people have rang in to the Lib Dems office yesterday and have asked for reasons as to why this stance has been taken.
Please could you correspond with me on this matter as to the reasons why the news story on Saturday's questions time is not being covered?
Please dont hesitate to contact me over the phone on 07968 107409
Hope to correspond with you soon
Despite sending the above email, no response has been provided. I phoned today and asked
"how is it posible that the Rochdale Online site is being updated with tens of stories every day yet you repeatedly tell me that the News Editor is not in??"
I was met by silence. I Informed them i will wait another day for a response to the email sent. Failing this, i will be writing a letter of complaint to Rochdale Online and to the Press complaints commission.
I reminded Rochdale Online that it was supposed to be there for the service of the Community and not for the cheap agendas of Politicians who fear debate and discussion.
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