Wednesday 15 April 2009

Sex at five? No thanks!

By Zaythoun Suleman- When I was five, all I wanted was to play with my friends and enjoy my childhood under the cloudless skies and fields full of daisies. I was unaware of the dangers and evils of this world and if it was up to me, I would have loved to have it kept that way for as long as possible.

Do our children really need to begin knowing about sex and relationships at 5 years old? Is making them aware of their body parts and sexual acts preparing them to make informed decisions for the future or is the Government opening Pandora's box even further? A box filled with evil unleashed to plague the innocent mind is surely doing more damage than good.

The evil spreading reminds me of nuclear bombs dropped in Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the effect of which is long-term devastation and destruction for many years to come. Instead of equipping them to protect themselves from the monsters of society, Isn't SRE making them more vulnerable with this knowledge?

Children are an amanah (trust) given to us by Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala; with their minds fresh and like sponges, they absorb information from all around them. They are like a handful of clay that can be moulded to form any shape. It is up to us as parents or carers on how we should mould them.

So how do we as parents reply when our children come and ask us "Mum/Dad where do babies come from?"

Many answers come to mind, how about "Oh, Mr Pelican drops off the order at our doorstep nine months after it has been confirmed, he works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week including bank holidays throughout the whole year!" or "Babies can be picked up from the local hospital!" Somehow, this does not satisfy the child's curiosity so he or she will keep asking the same question repeatedly until they are completely satisfied.

In this society of degrading values, this question is answered by preparing their tender minds for sex with others whether they are from the same or opposite sex, to absolutely anyone without commitment. Condoms are handed out in school to prevent unwanted pregnancies and abortions will be offered to prevent unwanted babies.
Most of this is done behind parent's backs and without consent. It would be better to teach children about positive parenting and promoting marriage for a secure and stable life.

Opening Pandora's box has led to young single mums being humiliated on the Jerry Springer show when the DNA test reveals that partner number eight is "not the father" of her child.

What happens when parents exercise their rights as parents and pull their children out of immoral activities such as the families who withdrew their children from "Gay Awareness week?" They are prosecuted! What are the values of this "free and democratic" society? Where the only freedom is within the values, itself propagates.

As parents, we should be prepared to address all of our children's questions in the manner of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alahi wasalam with hikmah - wisdom by giving them what they need to satisfy their curiosity and protect them from information that would kill their innocence. Islam allows us to discuss these issues openly with our children so they are prepared to go into adulthood making the right decisions in life.

SubhanAllah, I came across a beautiful Harun Yahya Video online a couple of years ago when my eight year old wanted to know where babies came from. The video titled "The miracle of man's creation" goes through a sperms journey and its meeting of an egg, fertilising it and producing a baby. It does not mention the acts of sex nor the labour. I explained that the egg is from the mother and the sperm from the father... This was enough to satisfy my child's mind for many years without mentioning the word sex.

So what happens when a child comes across the word sex? You need to establish what he or she already knows of it and take it from there. Again, all a child wants is to satisfy his or her curious mind, which is apart of human nature. Sex is seen as a dirty word due to the societal evils such as adultery, fornication, same sex relationships and prostitution.

Recently my six year old came across the DVD of "Sex and the city" whilst shopping in Tesco. He asked, "What does Sex mean? Does it mean male or female?" I was tempted to reply "Yes!" However, my ten year old had by then a curious ear to the conversation so I replied, "It‘s what mums and dads do to have children after nikah". Again, their curiosity was satisfied.

What happens when they come across gays and lesbians? The headline of a father giving birth comes to mind. Thomas Beatie decided to carry a baby for his wife, Nancy, who had hysterectomy years ago. He was able to get pregnant because he kept his female organs when he switched genders.

Are you confused?

How confused will the child be? Try explaining this "Your dad is really your birth mother, we don't know who your biological father is as his sperm was donated and the lady you call mum is not really blood related to you at all!" Is it any wonder someone said "God Made Adam and Eve Not Adam and Steve!"

When we came across the discussion of gays, we read the story of Prophet Lot alaihi salaam and the angels who visited Sodom and Gomorrah to enact the punishment on people who married other people of the same sex.

Do we really want this education system to teach our innocent children their western values when we have such a perfect deen with a perfect set of values?

Islam came to answer all the problems in society. It provides great respect to both men and women and grants them many rights, which were not given by any other belief. It has forbidden fornication and encouraged the union under the nikah contract so there is no suspicion or doubt on who fathered future children. It has forbidden adultery to stabilise and secure a marriage. It has made being gay a sin as it is counter productive.

Pandora's Box has been opened and the evil within has been unleashed on the world. It begins with plaguing our children's innocent minds.

We need to protect our children and give them information relevant to their age and understanding. So, in turn, they will be able to distinguish right and wrong and make informed, suitable decisions when they become adults.

As parents, we need to form a special bond and reach out to them so they can reach out to us when they need answers to their many questions...

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