Monday, 17 November 2008

What Rochdale Muslims can learn from Reading Muslim (PVE) Crisis Group

By Majed Iqbal-Rochdale has been the target of clear government agendas with dedicated recruits from the local community under the banner of Preventing Violent Extremism. Communities minister, Hazel Blears after taking over her failed predecessor, Ruth Kelly, in this field has embarked on creating various 'larger than life' projects which singles out the Muslim community as being problematic in the pursuit of tackling 'extremism'.


We have therefore witnessed various 'publicity stunts' by Hazel Blears' local recruits in Rochdale, who themselves lack any standing in our community and are no where to be seen for debate and discussion on their views which they advocate, in an effort to publicise the government strategy in this area.

Spin, deception, manipulation of facts- whatever we would like to call it- we have seen it all lately in Rochdale- especially after Hazel Blears singled out this peaceful town as some form of Radical hotspot.

Despite being challenged on this fringe minority view held by individuals not known for their discourse abilities, no discussion has been really led in the public domain.

The Rochdale Muslim community can learn from how Muslims in Reading are tackling this debate on a community level and work to mobilise the whole community against such projects which treats the Muslim community and her sons and daughters with suspicion and hampers relations built with various other communities in the borough.

A crisis group was set up in Reading with the support of more than 1,000 Muslims who objected to the local steps being taken under the Government’s Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE) strategy launched this year.

As part of the scheme, £10,000 was awarded to the Reading Forum Against Extremism and another £80,000 to establish the Berkshire Forum Against Extremism. But Reading Muslim Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE) Crisis Group said since it started, Muslim groups in the town have become disillusioned with the project which started off as a collaborative effort between organisations and community groups in Reading.

The Reading Muslim PVE Crisis Group particularly objected to the council’s adoption of the National Indicator NI35 – a controversial framework which singles out the Muslim community as the main group to look out for in building communities resilient to violent extremism.It is also took concern about a new PVE toolkit which will be provided to school teachers to look out for signs of “radicalisation” in pupils – a move which the group labelled “absurd and disturbing”.

A statement from the group to Michael Coughlin, chief executive of Reading Borough Council, and Superintendent Steve Kirk said:

“The PVE work relies on a number of volatile terms such as ‘extremism’, ‘violent extremism’ and ‘radicalisation. These terms are undefined but have been used by members of the Government to demonise the Muslim community by equating Islamic values such as the desire for Muslim unity and adherence to Sharia law with ‘extremism’ or ‘violent extremism’.

“Communities don’t commit crimes, individuals do......However, the Government narrative on the causes of the cycle of violence we see occurring in the context of PVE blames an ‘ideology’ as the overriding cause for people’s radicalisation.

“This is in stark contrast to the way that the political troubles in Northern Ireland, South Africa and Sri Lanka was identified......This narrative firmly puts the blame for the cycle of violence at the door of Islam and the Muslim community.”

Community leaders in Rochdale must step up to their responsibility in challenging the government narrative which is built on achieving governmental goals as opposed to addressing the real issues and factors behind the loose terms of Radicalisation and extremism.

The case study is there for us to see- Are we willing to take the next step forward?

1 comment:

  1. It's about time Muslims start resisting government control. Did anything take off in Rochdale?
