By Majed Iqbal- "They appeared normal, just like any other family," Guenter Prameiter, who runs a bakery just down the street, said. "They had a swimming pool in the garden. We would hear them [the children] laughing, the three of them," said a third.
These were the comments raised by neighbours describing the Austrian father who kept captive his daughter Elisabeth, now 42, in three windowless underground rooms ever since she disappeared in 1984.
The news of the Austrian man who imprisoned his daughter and fathered a hidden incestuous family having seven children with her has left people speechless in the country. Police described the revelations as "one of Austria's all-time worst crimes" and Guenther Platter, the country's Interior Minister, called it "unfathomable".
While we all ponder on the details of the horrors unveiling in the house over the years which have been graphically described in press and Television stations, it is of paramount importance that we all take a step back and evaluate our thoughts and responses on this story.