By Moh Bloggs- The events of the last 36 hours in Pakistan should have shown us all something , beyond the death of Benazir Bhutto and above the billowing black smoke as Pakistan burns in rage there should have been an epiphany (a sudden insight into the reality) for the people and press Pakistan. It was a moment in History where you would hope a people would collectively stop, look and think about the situation they are in.

However the media on mass have refused to question the very status quo that has allowed Benazir to be killed in almost broad daylight in front of scores of people. Rather as is the nature of Pakistani’s there is nothing more they love than a good old conspiracy theory, so theories of who and why someone would have Benazir killed have been doing the rounds on channels such as GEO and the like.
The Musharraf government as is the case with so much of Pakistani politics have now began a PR campaign to attempt and absolve themselves of any blame for Benazir’s death, it is always about who’s fault it is in Pakistan. The PPP have of course come out and screamed foul saying they smell a cover up.
The opposition parties in attempts to score political points have appeared solemn faced and jumped on band wagon of boycotting elections which are now very unlikely to take place.
The PPP with it’s activists going on the rampage across Pakistan have done little to calm the situation. In fact Babar Awan a Senator and senior member of the PPP appearing on Geo News’ Capital Talk show said the death of Benazir wasn’t that of a “Lawaris” (a person with no family or heritage) and that it would not be forgotten and that justice would be sought immediately. Unfortunately as Benazir found out so clearly and as the burning of Pakistan demonstrates so vividly political scores in Pakistan are settled down the barrel of a gun and not through dialogue.
What does all this create? A quagmire for the people and politics of Pakistan a cycle of killings, political accusations, cover up’s and interference from foreign powers in choosing, appointing and ultimately removing political leaders.
As for the epiphany it is clear the feudal, family based, violent politics of Pakistan will never work. The attempts to please foreign powers with policies which ultimately harm the country will never work. The election (whether fair or not) of parties (and I mean all of them) and politicians who strive for their own political ends and not for the people of Pakistan will never work.
As for the legacy of Benazir and the politics of Pakistan, it will not make pretty reading for future generations. Shakespeare wrote “No legacy is so rich as honesty” , this is a measure neither Benazir nor the other politicians will ever claim to have met.
Source: Moh Bloggs
ReplyDeleteOn the subject of Bhutto, you and your readers mind find this article interesting: http://doublesidedstickytape.wordpress.com/
These people have too much love for political violence on all sides; they're still living a primitive, tribal lifestyle.