Sunday 18 November 2007

Manchester Demonstration calling for Khilafah In Pakistan

Hizb ut Tahrir Britain called the Muslims of Manchester to rally outside the local Pakistani Conculate in protest at the recent events in Pakistan. As part of the campaign to "Stop Musharraf Destroying Pakistan", HTB had organised a day of protest across the country.

[slideshow id=432345564253005452&w=426&h=320]

The protesters raised their opposition to General Musharraf's actions in power, particularly

- The continued military offensive against his own people in the North and West of Pakistan
- entirely at the behest of America
- His flouting of the rule of law in Pakistan by Musharraf and his partners
- The fact that Pakistan's rulers are not chosen its people but by America and Britain
- The double standards which allow criminals such as Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif to keep returning to loot the country of its wealth

The demonstrators called for a complete change in Pakistan - not just a change of leadership but for the dawn of a new system of governance, the Khilafah State, which would have an independent political will and would rule in the interests of its people - not those of foreign powers.

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