The last couple of days have seen intense news coverage on an issue which has propelled out of proportion. The British teacher, Gillian Gibbons, 54, from Liverpool faces a jail sentence in Sudan for “allegedly” insulting Islam by letting her class of seven-year-olds name a teddy bear Muhammad as part of a school project.
Gillian, who works in the Unity High School, a British school where she taught the children of Sudanese professionals, expatriates and oil workers was arrested for “blaspheming” against Islam by allowing to name the teddy bear after the name of the Prophet of Islam. The story has struck an opportunity, once again in the press, to debate and air views over the “backwardness” of Islamic Culture, rules, customs and heritage which seems not to be synchronized with Western Civilisation standards and values which permeate many parts of the world.
Shock and horror is what can be currently described as the response of British people and press. How can such a menial issue of naming a teddy bear after a religious icon lead to barbaric punishments of lashing the victim? Why such fanaticism by Sudanese Authorities? How can such actions by the government be justified? Are these people even civilized? These are just some of the questions which will be circulating the minds and conscience of the British public coupled with utter disgust.