Thursday, 29 November 2007

Sudan, the British Teacher and the Teddy Bear

By Majed Iqbal 

The last couple of days have seen intense news coverage on an issue which has propelled out of proportion. The British teacher, Gillian Gibbons, 54, from Liverpool faces a jail sentence in Sudan for “allegedly” insulting Islam by letting her class of seven-year-olds name a teddy bear Muhammad as part of a school project.

Gillian, who works in the Unity High School, a British school where she taught the children of Sudanese professionals, expatriates and oil workers was arrested for “blaspheming” against Islam by allowing to name the teddy bear after the name of the Prophet of Islam. The story has struck an opportunity, once again in the press, to debate and air views over the “backwardness” of Islamic Culture, rules, customs and heritage which seems not to be synchronized with Western Civilisation standards and values which permeate many parts of the world.

Shock and horror is what can be currently described as the response of British people and press. How can such a menial issue of naming a teddy bear after a religious icon lead to barbaric punishments of lashing the victim? Why such fanaticism by Sudanese Authorities? How can such actions by the government be justified? Are these people even civilized? These are just some of the questions which will be circulating the minds and conscience of the British public coupled with utter disgust.

Musharraf- Foreign interests over National interests

Musharraf steps down as Chief of Army Staff

Musharraf stepped down from Cheif of army staff yesterday and was sworn in today as The President of the country by his hand picked Judges from the Supreme court. His previous post was handed over to Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, 55, a former head of Pakistan’s premier intelligence agency, Inter-Services Intelligence, another loyalist to Musharraf.

So what has changed? More power to Musharraf as President. What has not changed? Musharrafs subservience to America and its plans for Pakistan which he has orchestrated on Pakistani terrain.

Once again, Leaders like Musharraf have not learnt from History on allying themselves with Foreign powers from the rest of the muslim world. His cliency to America is so dear that he even was prepared to leave the Army; one which has served for over 40 years to bow down to American dictates and execute Americam led policies in the region.

What is the "shelf life" of such an agent? Maybe he should consult Nawaz Sharif

Sunday, 18 November 2007

Manchester Demonstration calling for Khilafah In Pakistan

Hizb ut Tahrir Britain called the Muslims of Manchester to rally outside the local Pakistani Conculate in protest at the recent events in Pakistan. As part of the campaign to "Stop Musharraf Destroying Pakistan", HTB had organised a day of protest across the country.

[slideshow id=432345564253005452&w=426&h=320]

The protesters raised their opposition to General Musharraf's actions in power, particularly

- The continued military offensive against his own people in the North and West of Pakistan
- entirely at the behest of America
- His flouting of the rule of law in Pakistan by Musharraf and his partners
- The fact that Pakistan's rulers are not chosen its people but by America and Britain
- The double standards which allow criminals such as Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif to keep returning to loot the country of its wealth

The demonstrators called for a complete change in Pakistan - not just a change of leadership but for the dawn of a new system of governance, the Khilafah State, which would have an independent political will and would rule in the interests of its people - not those of foreign powers.

Why the situation in Pakistan 'matters' to US & UK

It has now been nearly two weeks since Musharraf imposed the emergency in Pakistan. The state of affairs has been widely reported through the international press as being an internal problem within Pakistan. However, closer examination reveals that the situation in Pakistan was staged managed by the US and the UK in light of maintaining Musharrafs grip on the nation and prolonging his Presidency.


These events occurred a day after Admiral William J. Fallon, head of US Central Command met with Musharraf and other leaders. The talks were kept secret but on the 5th November 2007, the Guardian newspaper revealed that in a phone call, Musharraf had discussed emergency rule with Prime Minister Gordon Brown the night before he declared the state of emergency.

Friday, 16 November 2007

Demonstrations in Pakistan for Removing SYSTEM


There has been mass mobilisation in Pakistan calling for the removal of Musharraf over the last two weeks. Hizb-ut-Tahrir Pakistan too has been active in demonstrations calling not only for the removal of Musharraf, but indeed the entire system and to be replaced by the Khilafah Government.

Hizb-ut-Tahrir Pakistan Rally in rawalpindi

The above demonstration took place in Rawalpindi, amidst the emergency, where protests are being attacked and broken up by state forces. The slogan on the banner reads "Remove Musharraf, Bring back the Khilafah.

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Asian Leader Article on Pakistan Emergency

Developments have come thick and fast in Pakistan with each unfolding event opening up a new Pandoras Box of problems. The initial stages of the emergency are captured in the article below which was submitted to the Asian Leader Newspaper which is circulated in the North West and Yorkshire region.

The Article first featured on this blog before being published for circulation. Click on the the picture for full screen shot. The whole text for the article can be read HERE.

Monday, 12 November 2007

NASHEEDS, Darfur & Western Foreign policy

The ‘Concert for Peace In Darfur’ held in Wembley Arena London, has been hailed by some to be a great way for Muslims to help other Muslims. This concert featured as the main performer, the nasheed ‘artist’ Sami Yusuf. Who visited Darfur, with an Islamic charity organisation. He has publicised the plight of the Muslims in Darfur and in many ways re-enforced the narrative spun by the British government as to what happening in Darfur. This is hardly surprising as one the events sponsors is the British Foreign Office.

Some Muslims, view the holding of such concerts as a charitable deed that Islam deems to be praiseworthy. They see it is an attempt to help Muslims that are less fortunate. More aware Muslims realise that often there is more than meets the eye when it comes to such events. The context needs to be examined before a sound judgement as how to view such events can be made.

Western Foreign Policy

Although the colonialist nations like the US, Britain and France make claims that they are against human suffering and misery they are ones that are usually cause it. It is blatantly obvious that they hold the interests of their wealthy capitalist classes and corporations dearer than the lives of people. One only needs to look at Iraq as an example. The case of Iraq shows that oil and natural resources mean more to these Governments than the blood of people. A figure of 650,000 is often stated as the number of Iraqi civilians that have died as result of the colonial conquest of Iraq. This figure was the average used in the report published in the Lancet, the upper range was stated to be 942,000. The report was published some time ago and the figure has probably reached more than a million innocent lives lost since then.

Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Musharraf’s “Second Coup”

By Majed Iqbal- It was too smooth to believe that Bhutto had secured a ‘deal’ with Musharraf to rule in Pakistan in Partnership. It ran too smooth when Nawaz Sharif was kicked out of the country on his return to Pakistan. It was too smooth to believe that Musharraf had secured his presidency with a majority in Parliament. So was the emergency situation that occurred on Saturday a predictable outcome?

Police Brutality during protests

Yes indeed. The signs of a desperate ruler clinging on to his last reigns of power, by ‘any means necessary’, was visible with all the actions under taken by the Military General and self professed Chief Executive/President/ Chief of Army Staff and pioneer of the prophetic ‘Enlightened Moderation’ philosophy, Pervez Musharraf.

Sunday 4th November saw Musharraf imposing emergency, to reassert his flagging authority in response to what he said was to ‘Islamic militancy and to the 'paralysis of government by judicial interference'. Musharraf sacked and replaced the Chief Justice, house arrested all other judges failing to give oath, and re-elected a new fresh subservient bench of judges throughout the country who gave legitimacy to his previously illegal moves.

Monday, 5 November 2007

Al Jazeera Report on Pakistans Emergency Situation

Pakistan was once again flung into the international spotlight on Saturday 3rd November as Musharraf declared a state of 'Emergency'. The action to reassert his flagging authority was, he said, a response to Islamic militancy and to the 'paralysis of government by judicial interference'. He said that his country's sovereignty was at stake.


Over 500 senior party activists, Judges, lawyers, Human Rights activists were arrested, troops poured on to city streets and television and radio stations were taken off the air. Musharraf also suspended the constitution and fired the chief justice, Muhammad Iftikhar Chaudhry, who spearheaded a powerful mass movement against him earlier this year.


International pressure was minimal, especially from the powers which brokered the deal between Bhutto and Musharraf in a power sharing agreement to run the country- namely America and Britain.