In the last months, there has been an active campaign to mobilise the Rochdale community against new Government plans to introduce compulsory sex education for 5 year old children.
The group “Rochdale Muslims against Sex and Relationship Education for 5 year olds” has played an active public role in highlighting these proposals and demonstrating exactly how the Muslim Community specifically and the wider community in general will be affected by this.
The group “Rochdale Muslims against Sex and Relationship Education for 5 year olds” now will be participating in the national consultation process on this issue.
We have gathered over 1000 petition signatures, and have led a Facebook campaign with at the time of writing, galvanised 388 Facebook group members on board, organised Weekly public stalls in busy areas in Rochdale, promoted the issue through a locally created YouTube advert, presented information packs to all Rochdale Mosques, visited churches and opened dialogue with local councillors.
There was also an event organised at Kashmir youth project where over 50 members of the local community, consisting of teachers, Deputy heads, Parents, Primary School Governors, Councillors, Mosque representatives, Youth parliament delegate, local activists and parents gathered to discuss these issues.
These will act as a reflection of how the Muslim community feels on this issue in Rochdale alone in this consultation process and will be led by Majed Iqbal, a Rochdale based Muslim community activist.