Saturday 9th February 2008- 6pm- Castlemere Community Centre
Click on Image to see the poster for the EVENT
The event will pose these issues to the panelists- Paul Rowen MP (Lib Dems) and Ali Khan (Hizb ut-Tahrir) who will endeavour to tackle these pressing issues. Oppurtunities will also be offered to the audience to raise their questions and comments and engage with the invited panelists.
The Forest Gate episode, shooting of Charles de Menezes, millions of pounds being invested by the government into the Muslim community, fingers pointed at the alleged failure of mosques, threats of banning non-violent Islamic groups, Media frenzy in the shape of press coverage, documentaries and TV shows, as well as the recent stigmatising of Rochdale Central (Idara) Mosque in the Policy exchange document titled “The Hijacking of British Islam”- All these factors have raised huge debate and discussion in the Rochdale community from all quarters- Muslims and non-Muslims alike.