Wednesday, 31 October 2007
How Northern Rock can save Christmas
“Christmas is coming and the goose is getting fat. Please put a penny in the old man’s hat………” (traditional) Yes it’s the time of year for all good Christians to fatten the goose, get fatter themselves and spend pennies (I mean in shops). Thousands of them, millions of them. Whether some pennies go to a deserving old man, woman or child is another matter.
Shops, airports and various public spaces are all decked out with Christmas trees and other seasonal paraphernalia. Department stores are exhorting people to spend money with increasing desperation. And it is desperation at that, as this year is predicted to be a very low spending Christmas. Nevertheless, this is the time when we really consume.
For millions of Christians in Britain, Christmas is a time of profound spiritual experience signifying the birth of Jesus, and a time of magic and excitement for children. However, shorn of its spiritual dimension for the vast majority of people (once a year visits to church with a hangover doesn’t count), it is a time when we pay homage to our favourite God – Consumerism. And who is this round jolly man in a red and white coat being pulled by reindeers? Why it’s the Cocoa Cola Santa Claus.
Whilst a quick internet search of Santa Claus reveals a man by the name of Nicholas; a shy Christian leader from Myra (in modern day Turkey) in the 4th Century AD, who wanted to give money to poor people without them knowing about it, the present day incarnation is an invention of a 1938 Cocoa Cola advertisement. What better way to show what Christmas is really all about than to align the apparently genuinely kind act of a Christian leader with the profits of the world’s largest soft drinks company. The very act of giving as a form of human behaviour with intrinsic, selfless and unconditional merit is not enough. It has to be sponsored by coke without which Christmas is simply not the Real Thing.
Asian Leader Article on Karachi Blasts

Click on the the picture for full screen shot. The whole text for the article can be read here.
Rochdale Central Mosque 'Investigated'
Rochdale Central Mosque 'Investigated'

A new Report released by Policy Exchange, an independent think tank, titled “the Hijacking of British Islam” has targeted the central (Idara) Mosque in Rochdale, labeling it as a promoter of extremist ideas. The mosque was mentioned out of a list of 100 organisations and institutions that were visited and cited as a worrying problem of extremist penetration of mosques and other key institutions of the British Muslim community.
The Research was conducted During 2006 and 2007 by four Muslim research teams traveling to towns and cities across the UK. They visited a large number of important Islamic religious institutions, including leading mosques, to determine the extent to which literature inculcating Muslim separatism and hatred of nonbelievers was accessible in those institutions - both in terms of being openly available and also being obtainable 'under the counter'.
The report belittled the achievement awarded to Hafiz Ikram in May 2007 by the local MP, Paul Rowen, for ‘Services to the Community and to young people over the past thirty years at the annual ‘Rochdale Sport For All’ awards with taints of hypocrisy after, what the researchers believe, was the finding and availability of ‘Extremist’ literature. Here references were being made to books of Islamic knowledge, Shariah rules regarding women’s issues and questions pertaining to the celebration of western festivals and traditions.
The effort to stigmatise the Muslim community as problematic and in need of reformation has been consistently propagated over the last couple of years. In the last year, Ruth Kelly’s misadventure of formulating what she called a “British version of Islam” was met with bitter resentment and seen as a guise to ‘revise’ aspects of Islam which does not fit to the bubble of Britishness.
Monday, 29 October 2007
Schwarzenegger- Its only a leaf!!
But he said in an interview: "I didn't take any drugs. “When told that he had admitted to smoking marijuana, Mr. Schwarzenegger replied: "That is not a drug. It's a leaf." Mr. Schwarzenegger seems to share similar experiences with Tory leader David Cameron, who met recently to discuss green issues and who also like Schwarzenegger refused to comment on his stint with drugs during his university life. This may explain Schwarzenegger’s position on refusing to condemn politicians who took drugs, saying it was not necessarily a matter of public interest.
"A politician's job is to do what's best for the people and to improve the country, the economy, the environment. Why should I care if a politician takes sleeping pills every night so long as he can do his job?"
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
BHUTTO defends Rally presence

Pakistan's former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto has defended her decision to stage a homecoming street parade last week, despite being forewarned about a possible terrorist attack. The attack killed 165 people and injured a further 500. But some say a contributing factor was Benazir Bhutto's thirst for mass public recognition.
Watch the Al-Jazeera Video Report here
KARACHI BLASTS- Ballot or the Bullet?

“There are some powerful figures behind the assassination attempt on me”. These were the words of Benazir Bhutto in response to her "brush with martyrdom" during her explosions-ridden homecoming rally in Karachi last week which left over 140 dead and 500 seriously injured.Her widely anticipated arrival on Pakistani soil, welcomed by over thousands of supporters was turned into scenes of carnage, death and destruction. After striking the ‘deal’ with the ‘uniformed’ President Musharraf, her comeback was set to mark a new era in Pakistani Politics with promises of restoring civilian rule in the country of 160 million with general elections looming in the horizon in January.
However, her welcoming was a bitter deja-vu of the reality of the country’s Politics which has been plagued with violence from state level to street level, both under Dictatorships and ‘Democracies’.Yasmin, whose husband was a victim in the blast said “We will never forgive Benazir for this. Why did she not take the helicopter provided to her? She put so many people’s lives in danger just to show off her popularity.” Her comments echoed concerning facts on Benazir’s continual popularising of potential attacks on her arrival and despite being warned by PPP activists on the day on the arrest of a man with a suicide belt about an hour before the attack. It begs the question- why did the PPP not pull Bhutto out of the procession?
KARACHI BLASTS- Ballot or the Bullet?

“There are some powerful figures behind the assassination attempt on me”. These were the words of Benazir Bhutto in response to her "brush with martyrdom" during her explosions-ridden homecoming rally in Karachi last week which left over 140 dead and 500 seriously injured.
Her widely anticipated arrival on Pakistani soil, welcomed by over thousands of supporters was turned into scenes of carnage, death and destruction. After striking the ‘deal’ with the ‘uniformed’ President Musharraf, her comeback was set to mark a new era in Pakistani Politics with promises of restoring civilian rule in the country of 160 million with general elections looming in the horizon in January. However, her welcoming was a bitter deja-vu of the reality of the country’s Politics which has been plagued with violence from state level to street level, both under Dictatorships and ‘Democracies’.
Yasmin, whose husband was a victim in the blast said “We will never forgive Benazir for this. Why did she not take the helicopter provided to her? She put so many people’s lives in danger just to show off her popularity.” Her comments echoed concerning facts on Benazir’s continual popularising of potential attacks on her arrival and despite being warned by PPP activists on the day on the arrest of a man with a suicide belt about an hour before the attack. It begs the question- why did the PPP not pull Bhutto out of the procession?
The incident has sparked off a furor of tit for tat statements by politicians who were more interested in scoring political capital from the event to suit their narrow agendas rather than showing serious concern over the emotional stress and loss of lives that those families affected were experiencing.
Benazir pounced on the chief of Pakistan Muslim League-Q, Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain, accusing him of ‘protecting the killers’.
‘We will also say all this was a conspiracy. Ms Bhutto’s husband hatched a conspiracy and they implemented it” said Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain “The proof: Ms Bhutto went into her armoured vehicle minutes before the bombs exploded.”
Resuming her replay of her internationally paraded dialogues used in London , Washington and Dubai , Bhutto blamed Islamic extremism as a major cause for the turmoil in Pakistan- throwing the spotlight on the intelligence agencies, alleging that Afghan mujahideen had “infiltrated the ISI and the country’s administration. They have a tacit support of senior officials.” She said.
Despite an investigation underway by the Pakistani government Bhutto once again has aligned herself with her supporting states, the UK and US to launch an ‘independent’ investigation into the incidents shedding further light on her strategic alliances fostered in this new ‘deal’ to revive her tattered political career. "I am justified in demanding a probe into the blasts by countries like the United States and United Kingdom as my own government is not capable of doing these investigations fairly"
One thing is for sure from the tragic events that occurred on 18th October- both the Ballot and the bullet have historically been served to facilitate the aspirations of the power hungry elite- the cost of which the ordinary man on the street has paid with their lives. The only benefactors today are a uniform-less Musharraf, a reinvigorated Benazir Bhutto and a happy western hemisphere.
Monday, 22 October 2007
RELEASED October 12, 2007

The War on Terror has allowed Many states in the world to introduce draconian, in-humane, distasteful, un-thinkable and previously illegal measures to combat the rise of "terrorism". Already thousands of Muslims internationally have become victims of 'Extra-ordinary Rendition'- being taken away to secret locations in client countries of western states for torture and confession.
The Movie "Rendition" closely examines the relationship of America who outsources torture of an American Citizen who is Muslim, to a Middle Eastern country where all forms of brutality are legitimate to make prisoners speak and confess to statements which are given in duress and compulsion.
RELEASED October 12, 2007
The War on Terror has allowed Many states in the world to introduce draconian, in-humane, distasteful, un-thinkable and previously illegal measures to combat the rise of "terrorism". Already thousands of Muslims internationally have become victims of 'Extra-ordinary Rendition'- being taken away to secret locations in client countries of western states for torture and confession.
The Movie "Rendition" closely examines the relationship of America who outsources torture of an American Citizen who is Muslim, to a Middle Eastern country where all forms of brutality are legitimate to make prisoners speak and confess to statements which are given in duress and compulsion.
The movie raises questions on the moral and legal legitimacy of these actions. Is violence the answer to further violence? How can Powerful states talk about winning hearts and minds of nations when it uses such tactics on mostly innocent people 'suspected' of 'Terrorism' based on flimsy evidence?
We must not forget that Britain is also complicit in aiding America in this cause as was widely reported last year with the use of secret jails located in Europe. The concept of the movie has huge implications for muslims livingin Britain too and should be the subject of discussion and debate with the wider society.
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
RAMADHAN MESSAGES-Week 4- Reflection

Ramadan is a month of reflection and thinking; a month like no other where every Muslim will think about his actions and invoke Allah (SWT) for forgiveness. Ramadan should also be the month to reflect on the history of Islam and the greatness Islam brought to the Muslims of the past. Every Muslim must take heed from the Ramadan’s of the past and realise that it was the implementation of Islam in life’s affairs that made us great. The true strength of the Muslims was the Islamic State (Khilafah); wherein Islam was spread throughout the world to places such as Pakistan, India and Bangladesh.
RELATED: Week one, Week two, Week three

Ramadan is a month of reflection and thinking; a month like no other where every Muslim will think about his actions and invoke Allah (SWT) for forgiveness. Ramadan should also be the month to reflect on the history of Islam and the greatness Islam brought to the Muslims of the past.
Every Muslim must take heed from the Ramadan’s of the past and realise that it was the implementation of Islam in life’s affairs that made us great. The true strength of the Muslims was the Islamic State (Khilafah); wherein Islam was spread throughout the world to places such as Pakistan, India and Bangladesh.
RELATED: Week one, Week two, Week three
Monday, 8 October 2007
DOCUMENTARY- Khilafah: The Need For CHANGE
The Documentary below was played as the opening presentation at the Rochdale event titleD "Ramadhan Unity and the Need for khilafah" as part of a national campaign organised by Hizb-ut-Tahrir Britain to raise awareness about the vitality of the Khilafah, its urgent need and to demonstrate its absence as being the sole reason why the Muslim world suffers politically, Economically, Technologically and keeps the Muslim world currently dis-united.
It presents the need for Khilafah on the basis of the oppression and hardship which has been experienced by the Muslim world under the auspices of despotic regimes over the last century and maps out the need for Political work based on Islam to restore it.
The Documentary below was played as the opening presentation at the Rochdale event titleD "Ramadhan Unity and the Need for khilafah" as part of a national campaign organised by Hizb-ut-Tahrir Britain to raise awareness about the vitality of the Khilafah, its urgent need and to demonstrate its absence as being the sole reason why the Muslim world suffers politically, Economically, Technologically and keeps the Muslim world currently dis-united.
It presents the need for Khilafah on the basis of the oppression and hardship which has been experienced by the Muslim world under the auspices of despotic regimes over the last century and maps out the need for Political work based on Islam to restore it.
Learning the Lessons of UNITY from RAMADHAN

As all of us have been been witnessing in the press and Media lately, both nationally and internationally, the heavy attempts made to malign the call for Shariah in the Muslim World as outdated, non-workable and depicted as not being the aspirations of the people.We have seen attempts in Britain to divide the community into those who are moderate (non-political groups who tow the government line) and those who are branded as Extreme (Islamic political groups who challenge foreign policy and advocate shariah for the Muslim World). Internationally, powers have tried to strike a wedge by dividing the muslims on shia and sunni lines as seen in Iraq.Despite these cheap efforts exhausted, the muslim world has continuoulsy called for Islam as the heart of any solution.
Ramadhan evidences our Unity in Worship and Fasting. However, the Muslim Ummah lacks the Political unity which Islam calls for. Every Muslim acknowledges that their is disunity and this has been a major cause for our misfortunes. The British Foreign Minister addressed the British Prime Minister shortly before World War II in Parliament and said "We must put an end to anything which brings about any Islamic unity between the sons of the Muslims. As we have already succeeded in finishing off the Khilafah, so we must ensure that there will never arise again unity for the Muslims, whether it be intellectual or cultural unity."
Lord Curzon, British Foreign Minister, in front of the House of Commons after the Lausanne Treaty of July 24th, 1924 said
"The situation now is that Turkey is dead and will never rise again, because we have destroyed its moral strength, the Khilafah and Islam."

As all of us have been been witnessing in the press and Media lately, both nationally and internationally, the heavy attempts made to malign the call for Shariah in the Muslim World as outdated, non-workable and depicted as not being the aspirations of the people.
We have seen attempts in Britain to divide the community into those who are moderate (non-political groups who tow the government line) and those who are branded as Extreme (Islamic political groups who challenge foreign policy and advocate shariah for the Muslim World). Internationally, powers have tried to strike a wedge by dividing the muslims on shia and sunni lines as seen in Iraq.
Despite these cheap efforts exhausted, the muslim world has continuoulsy called for Islam as the heart of any solution. Ramadhan evidences our Unity in Worship and Fasting. However, the Muslim Ummah lacks the Political unity which Islam calls for. Every Muslim acknowledges that their is disunity and this has been a major cause for our misfortunes. The British Foreign Minister addressed the British Prime Minister shortly before World War II in Parliament and said
"We must put an end to anything which brings about any Islamic unity between the sons of the Muslims. As we have already succeeded in finishing off the Khilafah, so we must ensure that there will never arise again unity for the Muslims, whether it be intellectual or cultural unity."
Lord Curzon, British Foreign Minister, in front of the House of Commons after the Lausanne Treaty of July 24th, 1924 said
"The situation now is that Turkey is dead and will never rise again, because we have destroyed its moral strength, the Khilafah and Islam."
Do we not see the significance of these statements for us today?
Islam demands muslim unity as a MUST for its prosperity, its life, its strength, its honour, its dignity, its power and its existence. Working to maintain this has been charged as one of the highest obligations in Islam. Imam Muslim narrated from Abdullah bin 'Umar who said that the Prophet (saw) said, "One who dies without having bound himself by an oath of allegiance (to a Khalifah) will die the death of one belonging to the days of ignorance (Jahiliyah)".
Ahmed and Ibn abi 'Asim narrated that the Prophet (saw) said, "Whosoever dies and he does not have over him an Imaam, he dies the death of Jahiliyyah".
This grave matter of Unity under an established and legitimate Islamic Leadership was fully understood by the best of generations, the sahaba- Ridwaan-Allah-alayhi ajma-een.
Ali ibn abi Taalib (r.a.) said, "The people will not be straightened except by an Imaam (Khaleefah), whether he is good or bad". (Bayhaqi, No. 14286, Kanz ul-ummal)
Abdullah ibn 'Umar (r.a.) said "The people in the Ummah will not suffer even if they were oppressors and sinful if the rulers were guided and were guiding. But the people in the Ummah will suffer and perish even if they were guided and were guiding if the rulers were oppressors and sinful". (Abu Nu'aim narrated in 'Hulayat Awliyyah.)
'Umar ibn al-Khattab (r.a.) said, "Laa Islam bi laa Jamaa'ati wa laa jamaa'ati bi laa Imaarah, wa laa Imaaratu bi laa sam'on wa taa'ah". "There is no Islam without a community, and there is no community without a leadership, and there is no authoruty without hearing and obeying".
It is a central tenent and pillar of Islam to have this Unification under the Khilafah State, with an appointed Khaleefah who rules by Ahkam Shariah.
It is up to us to Work for this and fulfill this noble task.
RAMADHAN MESSAGES Week 3- Security and Family
RAMADHAN MESSAGES Week 3- Security and Family

Ramadhan is a time to share the blessings of Allah (SWT) with those closest to you; your family. The knowledge that one’s home, possessions, honour and family are safe fills a person with a sense of peace and tranquillity. The Muslim world, ravaged by war and illegal occupation, will never feel this peace and tranquillity, whilst there is interference from foreign countries in their lands.
The Prophet of Allah (SAW) said in a Hadith: “None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself”
We must ensure that we expose the Western foreign policy, which leads the Muslim world into destruction. How can it be that during this blessed month we sit and enjoy tranquil times with our families whilst not speaking out for those of our brothers being oppressed in the Muslim world?
Ramadhan is a time to share the blessings of Allah (SWT) with those closest to you; your family. The knowledge that one’s home, possessions, honour and family are safe fills a person with a sense of peace and tranquillity. The Muslim world, ravaged by war and illegal occupation, will never feel this peace and tranquillity, whilst there is interference from foreign countries in their lands.
The Prophet of Allah (SAW) said in a Hadith: “None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself”
We must ensure that we expose the Western foreign policy, which leads the Muslim world into destruction. How can it be that during this blessed month we sit and enjoy tranquil times with our families whilst not speaking out for those of our brothers being oppressed in the Muslim world?
A Marriage Blessed Internationally

Perfect match for American Interests in the region. What can go wrong?
From Islamabad to London to Washington
The Generals way or the High way
Nawaz Sharifs return to Pakistan- Bites with no Teeth!
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
The SAD SIGHT of Muslim Youth during Ramadhan (Rochdale)

Asalaamualaikum, I am sorry to have to share this with you during the blessed month of Ramadhan. While doing security outside Neeli Mosque I was thinking it has been a quieter a time this Ramdhan in regards to misbehaving youth especially after the Gang fighting from last year but then I read something like this.
"Jean Ashworth has slammed Rochdale Police following a call she made about a group of between 30 and 40 Asian youths she witnessed smashing a car up on Woodbine Street on Sunday evening (30 September).
The car had been abandoned in the street two weeks ago and Councillor Ashworth had reported it last week when there was very little damage to it other than a dent on the drivers side. However, the car was still in the same place when she took her grandson home last night and she saw that the front window had been smashed.
Later in the evening she witnessed youths running down the road hurtling bricks through all of the windows, she immediately telephoned 999, and was given a log number, and went outside to hear the youths saying they were coming back to "torch it" at 9.15pm. Councillor Ashworth telephoned 999 again and asked for an immediate police response as the large gang were "really intimidating".

Asalaamualaikum, I am sorry to have to share this with you during the blessed month of Ramadhan. While doing security outside Neeli Mosque I was thinking it has been a quieter a time this Ramdhan in regards to misbehaving youth especially after the Gang fighting from last year but then I read something like this.
The car had been abandoned in the street two weeks ago and Councillor Ashworth had reported it last week when there was very little damage to it other than a dent on the drivers side. However, the car was still in the same place when she took her grandson home last night and she saw that the front window had been smashed.
Then again maybe I should not be surprised as I also see in the mosque youngsters being kicked out because they misbehave during Tarawih. They claim then they have nothing else to do so it leads to activity like vandalism and fighting. Unfortunately this does not show us in a good light. While we sit in the mosque praying Tarwih outside our youngsters are causing havoc. You may say I am being over dramatic and this is just a one off case or even a slur just to make us look bad. Personally I believe there is a problem.
Is it not our duty as Muslims to work towards a better society starting with building a better community. How can we do that by letting this go on. There is an idea which I do have to say was discussed in a few circles last year but nothing ever accounted from it. Street team during Tarawih time. This would involve a number of small groups of brothers walking and driving around their respective local neighbourhoods. Milkstone, Deeplish, Newbold, Wardle, Spotland. By doing this as a start we can be looking after our neighbourhood by having a presence. More importantly we can also engage with those who are walking around. By speaking to the young brothers who are walking around we can chat to them about what's going on, what they are doing and what others are doing.
Who knows this little bit of Dawah could help them and in turn help our community. Maybe this can be trailed in the last week of Ramadhan this year and if it works we can fully implement next year. I would rather this happen than the police to get involved and leave the youngsters with nothing else than a record and an ego.
Monday, 1 October 2007
The ‘GENERALS’ way OR the High way

The decision was met with fierce opposition from the enthused Lawyers movement who took centre stage in Islamabad in Protest and rioting against the edict of the court- which they believed went against the current sentiments of the nation. Rigorous debate and discussion arose over the TV networks in Pakistan airing astonishment at the courts response and analysing the consequences of the decision on the future of the country's politics.
The situation was further made dire on Saturday when the Government cut off the Media from displaying any scenes when the protests began taking place. A spokesperson for Geo declared “Since the morning Geo, Aaj and ARY were off the air”.
The Lawyers movement rallied on Saturday and challenged the courts verdict on the grounds that the constitution forbids permanent government employees (including military officers) from seeking elective office and that a two years wait was required after resignation or retirement from a government post before seeking a presidential bid.Musharraf's bid for re-election has been highly controversial as he faces growing unpopularity nationally, failing miserably to resonate and connect with the masses.

By Majed Iqbal
On Friday 28th September, Pakistan's Supreme Court declared the much awaited decision facing the Pakistani nation of shortlisting the candidates running for the Presidency. They ruled that President Pervez Musharraf could run again in the upcoming presidential elections, even though he is also currently serving as army chief.
The decision was met with fierce opposition from the enthused Lawyers movement who took centre stage in Islamabad in Protest and rioting against the edict of the court- which they believed went against the current sentiments of the nation. Rigorous debate and discussion arose over the TV networks in Pakistan airing astonishment at the courts response and analysing the consequences of the decision on the future of the country's politics.The situation was further made dire on Saturday when the Government cut off the Media from displaying any scenes when the protests began taking place. A spokesperson for Geo declared “Since the morning Geo, Aaj and ARY were off the air”.
Musharraf's bid for re-election has been highly controversial as he faces growing unpopularity nationally, failing miserably to resonate and connect with the masses. From the wars waged in Afghanistan, tampering with the constitution, opening up Pakistan to the FBI, allowing America to use logistical and airspace usage, rigging the 2002 Presidential elections, using the countries own army to fight in Waziristan in the tribal belt area, sacking the chief Justice, massacring over 1000 men, women, children and elderly in the Lal Masjid issue and fulfilling American orders by bringing Benazir into Power; Musharraf remains a rebel without a cause, fighting to gain balance of power in a time where political events are heavily scoring against him.
These have been the unfortunate scenes where the use of brutal force to quell any form of Political dissent were paraded by a goernment which talks of enlightened moderation. The scenes on saturday further highlighted the growing discontent with between the ruling elites and the masses. These events bring home the true colours of a ruler who believes firmly in exercing might rather than thought in dealing with Political matters.
The Prophet of Islam (saw) spoke the truth when he said: "The best of your imams (leaders) are those whom you love and they love you and who pray for you and you pray for them, and the worst of your imams are those whom you hate and they hate you and you curse them and they curse you. [Muslim] (narrated by Auf bin Malik al Ash'jayi)
GALLUP REPORT- Majority of Pakistanis want Shariah Law
Once again, the nation of Pakistan thrusts itself onto the World scene as Political commentators debate and discuss its future. These Commentators are not just restricted to those from Pakistan but extend internationally pursuing the unfolding events over the Upcoming Elections Issue with a detailed eye.
In the Video report, the analysts deal with the latest news that over 51% of Pakistanis want Shariah Law as the only Source, 24% said that it should be one of the Sources and a meagre 6% stated it should not be a source.
The upcoming Elections in Pakistan are being watched and supervised by external powers to make sure their conjured up formula for a Pakistan which is favourable to Western Interests in the region will be fulfilled. These Elections should also be at the height of importance for the Muslims of Pakistan to reject the formation of a government which will act on behalf of foreign powers rather than securing the intrests of Muslims.
Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Daud and Tirmidhi reported on the authority of 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, "Each one of you is a guardian and you are all responsible about your guardianship, the Imam is a guardian of the people and he is responsible for his guardianship of the people."
Once again, the nation of Pakistan thrusts itself onto the World scene as Political commentators debate and discuss its future. These Commentators are not just restricted to those from Pakistan but extend internationally pursuing the unfolding events over the Upcoming Elections Issue with a detailed eye.
In the Video report, the analysts deal with the latest news that over 51% of Pakistanis want Shariah Law as the only Source, 24% said that it should be one of the Sources and a meagre 6% stated it should not be a source.
The upcoming Elections in Pakistan are being watched and supervised by external powers to make sure their conjured up formula for a Pakistan which is favourable to Western Interests in the region will be fulfilled. These Elections should also be at the height of importance for the Muslims of Pakistan to reject the formation of a government which will act on behalf of foreign powers rather than securing the intrests of Muslims.
Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Daud and Tirmidhi reported on the authority of 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, "Each one of you is a guardian and you are all responsible about your guardianship, the Imam is a guardian of the people and he is responsible for his guardianship of the people."