Monday, 28 August 2006
REPORT- Integration of Faiths under the Islamic Civilisation
The following report below was written as part of the Islamic Awareness Day hosted in the Rochdale Town hall In September 2006. The report covered the various discussions on a stall that i was doing which celebrated the Scientific, Educational, Technological and Societal achievements made under the Islamic civilisation- more better known as the Caliphate.
The report was also presented to the Rochdale Mulit-Faith forum during inviting them to attend the forthcoming Event. The report broke away many misconceptions on the treatment of minorities under Islam and set forward a promising future for the various regions and countries in the world.
Please click on link to view the report
Faiths and Islam- The Integration of Of Faiths and People under the Islamic Civilisation
Thursday, 16 March 2006
Cartoon Controversy- The Man Behind the Message
A draft article written for the Rochdale committee for Islamic Affairs (RCIA) for submission to the Rochdale Observer Newspaper
What started off as a little local difficulty about community integration in Denmark following the publication of the famously controversial cartoons has now escalated into a worldwide chasm. It would be naive to suggest that the journalists involved did not know what they were getting themselves into. On the contrary, they knew that it would spark off some form of controversy, as the man who was in the spotlight was none other than the bearer of the Message of Islam, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). A man, whose influence covers over 1.3 billion people in the world today.
News stations have beamed in images to our living rooms of protests in the Muslim world; venting utter disgust at the freedom which allowed such an act to take place. The UK saw mass mobilisation of people, addressing the matter at hand in local communities, newspapers, media and organised demonstrations.
It may seem surprising for everyone. What’s the big deal? Don’t celebrities get ridiculed in the press at their antics, their love and sex lives exposed on the front sheets of the tabloids, footballers wives spilling out their venom against their husbands, politicians getting caught in sleazy deals. This is the way the world works doesn’t it? So why make an exception when Cartoons of the Prophet of Islam are published in Europe. Its as the Editor of the newspaper put it, “Caricatures are part of European Culture”. Britain’s own newspapers can testify to that too.
Wednesday, 8 February 2006
Rochdale Muslims unite against Cartoons Defaming Prophet of Islam
Official Statment From Rochdale Committee for Islamic Affairs
Muslims around the world have took to the streets protesting and boycotting Danish products following a series of satirical cartoons ridiculing the prophet Muhammad (saw). The Danish Prime Minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen's, has refused to meet the ambassadors of 11 Muslim countries to discuss censuring the Jyllands-Posten paper.
Carsten Juste, the editor of the newspaper, has apologized on but emphasizes that he apologizes for offending people, but not for publishing the cartoons. Muslim organisations have demanded an apology, but the editor has rejected this idea. He said “We live in a democracy. That’s why we can use all the journalistic methods we want to” he said.
The following points are what we would like the Muslims of Rochdale to observe
The rank of the Prophet of Islam in the heart of a Muslim cannot be described in words. This love and admiration for him can only be tasted when a person enters the fold of Islam and works to emulate his actions. The publications have deeply offended Muslims throughout the whole of the world who share these sentiments.
The caricatures of the Prophet of Islam, is an insult and abuse about a people’s beliefs. Such behaviors are not the characteristics of a people who value tolerance and wish to create civilised societies.
Muslims have played a pivotal role in Europe for decades, living side by side, peacefully with all members of society, as this is their Islamic duty. The repeated publication in many European countries has not served to recognize this, but has worked to strike discord amongst communities and the 20 million Muslims residing in Europe .
How can the publications be justified under the pre-text of entitlement to free speech but at the same time laws are being designed to curtail any discussion about illegal occupation of Muslim lands like Palestine and Iraq ? Muslims living in the west are highlighting these discrepancies
Muslims of Rochdale will air their feelings within the framework of the law against such distasteful publications
Written and Submitted by Majed Iqbal on 8th Feb 2006